
Krav Maga Books

By Gershon Ben Keren

Books By Gershon Ben Keren

Tuttle Publishing approached Gershon Ben Keren about writing a book on Krav Maga after reading His weekly Krav Maga Blog. This was to be the first full color book on the Krav Maga system/approach. All of the photographs and those of his subsequent books were shot in full color, with attacks and techniques being demonstrated at full speed - as opposed to being staged. The techniques and solutions were also filmed in pubs, bars and on the street in locatons where such assaults were likely to take place etc.

Krav Maga: Real World Solutions To Real World Violence: Krav Maga Medford

Krav Maga: Real World Solutions

Tuttle Publishing (2014)

“Krav Maga – Real world Solutions to Real World Violence” is not just a book about Krav Maga techniques but is instead about using Krav Maga in real world settings to deal with issues of violence. Looking at common attacks and threats in situ. It contextualizes the system and show how in civilian i.e., non-military settings it can be used as an effective method of self-defense against a variety of both unarmed and armed assaults (knife and gun). What makes Krav Maga a reality-based self-defense system is that it deals with the types of attack that occur in real-life along with all of the difficulties and issues that they contain e.g., most attackers make their assaults at close range giving the person they assault little time to react and respond, they also when making knife attacks, tend to make smaller, tighter stabs that are difficult to deal with etc. All of this is acknowledged in the book, and attackers make their attacks in a realistic rather than contrived fashion. To read more of the book and look inside, you can use the button below to view it on Amazon.

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Krav Maga Tactical Survival: Krav Maga Medford

Krav Maga - Tactical Survival

Tuttle Publishing (2016)

“Krav Maga – Tactical Survival” has a focus on social violence e.g., the types of aggressive and violent situations that occur as a result of social interactions. These might include disputes over who was first in a line/queue or dealing with somebody who is frustrated at how their day is going and is looking for an outlet for their anger etc. Most violence doesn’t involve predatory individuals actively seeking individuals to victimize (the focus of “Krav Maga – Real World Solutions to Real World Violence”), but rather ordinarily non-violent individuals who due to external rather than internal factors have become aggressive. In this type of situation, it is often possible to use de-escalation and conflict-resolution methods to steer an aggressor away from acting violently. In this book Gershon Ben Keren who has been working in the security industry since 1993, details a proven and effective method of de-escalation explaining the psychology behind it. Using this approach allows for many potentially dangerous interactions to be diffused.

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Krav Maga Extreme Survival: Krav Maga Medford

Krav Maga Extreme Survival

Tuttle Publishing 2018

“Krav Maga – Extreme Survival”, focuses on three less common types of violence: active shooter scenarios, car-jackings and home invasions. In researching the book, criminologist, Gershon Ben Keren, studied over 140 active shooter/killer incidents, looking for commonalities and specificities for different types of incidents e.g., how workplace shootings differed from those in academic settings etc. He also conducted a systematic review to see what the most current research said about these incidents. This, along with the Israeli experiences of dealing with such incidents informed the approach for the solutions presented in the book. For the car-jackings and home invasion sections, he consulted with others working in the security industry, especially South Africa, to learn from their experiences of dealing with these two phenomena. The resulting book presents effective solutions for dealing with these three very different types of, although not common in the U.S., extreme forms of violence.

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