
Krav Maga Seminars

Krav Maga Seminars Medford

Street Crime & Violence Seminar
(Saturday July 15th 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM)

This seminar is for adults aged 18+ of any experience level.

Most aggressive and violent incidents are relatively low risk and low consequence affairs, that result in no or low-level injury etc. In most street robberies, those victimized hand over their wallets and assets, without offering any resistance because they aren’t aware of what they should or shouldn’t do etc., having not really ever thought about or considered what such an event would look like. This acquiescence usually results in a non-violent outcome, with the mugger walking away without harming the individual they targeted. However, there are times when this may not be the case, and making a physical response is necessary in order to reduce the risk of harm or injury. By understanding the nature of street crime and violence it is possible to know when a physical response is required and when a better strategy is that of compliance. In this 90-minute seminar, criminologist Gershon Ben Keren will look at the dynamics of street crime and violence, and the types of events that are involved e.g., muggings, thefts, and common assaults etc.

In the summer months we usually find ourselves outdoors more, spending our time in public spaces and settings etc. Such situations mean that we are more likely to have interactions with strangers, some of whom may have harmful intent towards us. Knowing how to identify potentially violent individuals and know how to effectively respond to them is an essential part of reality-based self-defense and self-protection.

N.B. Please wear loose fitting workout clothing (no zippers and/or rivets), and be prepared to train barefoot (no socks or sneakers).

Street Crime & Street Violence Seminar