
Kids & Teens Krav Maga in Medford

About Our Kids & Teens Krav Maga Program

Reality based self-defense programs i.e., those that deal with real-life situations and scenarios, need to be directed by the audience they are teaching. The types of incidents and events that kids and teens face are often very different to those that adults may have to deal with e.g., because young people tend to socialize in groups more than adults, it is more likely that a kid or teen will have to deal with situations where there is more than one aggressor. When we look at school bullying scenarios, they typically involve a primary aggressor who is supported by other, secondary aggressors etc., and any solutions to aggression and violence needs to take such things into account. Violence is contextual and our Kids and teens program is designed to teach individuals how to deal with the types of incidents they are likely to face. As well as teaching physical solutions for dealing with aggressive individuals, we also teach the “softer” skills for dealing with violence, including de-escalation and conflict resolution etc. We teach our students active listening and how to prevent conflicts from arising in the first place. i.e., violence prevention.

Our classes are 45 minutes in length (Saturday mornings, 11:15 AM to 12:00 pm). This gives our instructors the right amount of time to demonstrate and teach the lesson, whilst ensuring that students stay active and engaged. The program is open to kids and teens aged five to seventeen – this allows siblings of different ages to attend the same rather than different classes. Within the class students are split into different age groups so that our teaching can be targeted and specific to the audience being taught e.g., we don’t teach escapes from chokeholds and strangulations to young children as this would mean having to teach them how to apply them, and at a young age, children are often unaware of the potential dangers of applying them etc. However, this is material that older children, such as teenagers who are able to understand the potential risks involved, can train safely etc. Our program/syllabus is taught over two semesters (approximately 15 sessions in each semester), that roughly follows the school year.

The cost per semester is $270. New students start by attending the first class of a semester for $25, if after attending this class they decide that they don't want to continue with the program, and the school is informed the remaining payment of $245 will not be taken. To see when the next semester starts and to book a place on our kids and teens Krav Maga program, please use the form below.